suggested topics
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: ï‚·
Arnold and modernity; Arnold’s modernity 
Arnold and the idea of the sage ï‚·
Arnold and other intellectuals – of his time and of our own 
Arnold and the theory/ies of culture ï‚·
the role and nature of cultural institutions ï‚·
culture and societal transition(s) ï‚·
anarchy, freedom and security ï‚·
unity and divisiveness in culture and society ï‚·
the liberal legacy and the question of equality ï‚·
culture, politics and religion ï‚·
translating Arnold; Arnold’s translators and translations 
the international reception of the work of Matthew Arnold ï‚·
Brexit and the search for identity ï‚·
the impact of Brexit on (British) society and culture
The organisers welcome proposals for 20-minute papers in English or Portuguese responding to these or other
topics prompted by the conference's rationale.