Host and venue
The conference will take place at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto. It will be organised and hosted by CETAPS – the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies and ILCML - Institute for Comparative Literature Margarida Losa, in the framework of the research project ALIMENTOPIA / Utopian Foodways (Ref. PTDC/CPC-ELT/5676/2014 | POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016680).
Organising committee
Fátima Vieira (U.Porto)
Iolanda Freitas (NOVA de Lisboa)
Jorge Bastos da Silva (U.Porto)
Maria LuÃsa Malato (U.Porto)
Maria Teresa Castilho (U.Porto)
Marinela Freitas (U.Porto)
Pedro Graça (U.Porto)
Pedro Moreira (U.Porto)
Rute Costa (NOVA de Lisboa)
Teresa Botelho (NOVA de Lisboa)
Joana Caetano (U.Porto)
João Castro Santos (U.Porto)
Marta Correia (U.Porto)
For any queries, please e-mail us at alimentopia.pt@gmail.com with the subject heading 'More Meals to Come Conference’.