suggested topics
These are some of the general topics that we believe may arise from the above:
empowering the imagination: the late 1960s and beyond
the art of protest: words and images in action
literature – and the world out there: conflict and violence in public vs literary discourses
narratives of dissension: fiction, youth and conflict
staging protest: drama and the political imagination since the 1960s
screening protest: film, television and the political imagination
poetry, protest and identity/ies since the 1960s
action, reaction: stereotype and iconoclasm (verbal, visual)
disruptive, constructive?: tropes of conflict and the making of contemporary societies
take my song for it: vocal music and fraught selves since the 1960s
translating dissent: protest represented across languages
urban sights and sounds: street art and writing since the 1960s
subaltern identities and gaining/giving voice: hybrid constructions
protest through affirmation: picturing alternate communities
remediating protest since the 1960s: from audiovisual to digital media
The organisers welcome proposals for 20-minute papers in English responding to these or other
topics prompted by the conference's rationale.